Since the massive adoption of iPhone smartphones by both the art
audience and artists
a new platform for expression has arisen. Using smartphone devices anyone can now access, interact and contribute to the virtual public space all over the globe. This has resulted in a chaotic, unbounded, infinite freespace with unprecedented opportunities - and consequences...
The consequence for this years' edition of the Biennial is a massive infiltration of unofficial virtual pavilions 'physically' present in the
augmented reality
space of the Biennial areas.
The exclusivity of this traditional art domain is at risk, now that the physical space has been 'enriched' by
numerous parallel 'virtual' realities
, such as:
"Manifest.AR artists" are placing virtual artworks across the Giardini and Piazza San Marco
Les Liens Invisibles are adding an "Invisible Pavilion"
Amir Baradaran announced his "Venice Augmented" strike
Live View Studio is virtually extending the national pavilion of Serbia
An invisible battle to most, but a crucial, or perhaps even historic moment to others.
Invisible, but
planned to be documented accurately here
, starting June 1st 2011.