AR Fashion Modelling

ISKO Denim, a leading producer of premium quality denim, wanted an exciting way to unveil their new collection, reflecting their innovative brand and technology driven approach. To achieve this, AugmentNL, in collaboration with Ivy Lee, created a virtual fashion show in augmented reality. The show was revealed during the official opening of ISKO’s new showroom in Amsterdam.

3D scans where made of 2 fashion models wearing various combinations of ISKO’s denim. These scans were grouped together into 5 different lines. For each line, a marker was placed on the floor. Upon scanning a marker, a virtual model would pop-up for a few seconds, showing the textile, information and a video. The tracking was realised using Vuforia’s extended tracking technology, enabling the visitor to look around the model, even when the marker was not visible. The app was built using Unity and deployed on various phones/tablets running iOS and Android.

ISKO Denim / Ivy Lee / AugmentNL.
Music by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena.